World's Largest Typical
Whitetail ever taken
with a crossbow.

I was excited to be the guest of Todd Bromley and Mike Avery on the Crossbow Magazine Podcast. We covered topics like the story itself as well as life after a giant deer. Click here to listen
I was fortunate enough to be featured in a Big Buck Profile on North American Whitetail Television. Click here to check it out. Quicktime is needed.
I had the pleasure of recently being interviewed by Scott Linden on Field & Stream Radio. F&S Radio is the largest outdoor radio show in the world, reaching over 3 million listeners each week including Armed Forces Radio world wide. Here is the interview that was broadcast on 3/27/2005. I have done my best to optimize it for 56K visitors. If you have trouble listening, try right clicking the link above and choose "save as".
I was interviewed by Jason of at the 2007 Boone & Crockett event. Here is the video interview It is a rather large file and would not normally be suitable for 56K visitors. If you have trouble viewing, try right clicking the link above and choose "save as".

 Some of the publications and advertisements that the Jerman Buck has appeared in:
North American Whitetail Magazine - Feb. 2005 Cover
ESPN feature - Main page of the hunting section of their web site.
Ohio 2005-2006 Hunting & Trapping Regulations

Please contact me for stories and photos. Some are available with first rights to publish.


© 2014 by Brad Jerman - all rights reserved